Friday, September 20, 2013

Restraining Myself from Saying It.

Times are woven by the actions we do and the things we adapt to. But what keeps changing the unavoidable circumstances would be us. We mould the things we want it to be. Yes, time does not wait for any man but the memories made within the time frame do. Usually we see a person we love and know used to be so warm. As time goes by, this had made that particular person changed. Maybe more mature, wiser or maybe just more to being quieter than before. We make the time to change ourselves as I have too. I am lacking of words to describe. Not that I do not know any words, just that there are no words to actually to express what I've learnt throughout life. Harsh, mind-opening, new, sustaining. Those are merely some words I have actually learnt in this past few years. Somehow, trying to fall for my new "mister" it is not by actually saying to him those three words to express the affection I have towards him. It is actually the time we spend together. Talking, laughing, acknowledging. That might sound a tad bit too boring, it is indeed a fact. He teaches me to actually to be more patient with my choices. He can be affectionate at times but not all the time. He too can be fun though he is quite more mature than I am. Out of all the roughening up I have to go through, it is not a harm for one to actually have someone to talk to from every now and then. Not everything is a joystick and not everything is a pack full of treats. Enjoy it as it may seem and try to work for it. Understanding the actual thing is hard. Acceptance is better.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Curiosity Killed The Cat (I am the Cat)

At first, we get to meet all sorts of people. Short, tall, funny, witty, jerk and so much more. But the thing that differentiates us is actually how we portray ourselves. It might be hard to actually make ourselves blend into the society but fitting in is a necessity. To be popular is the main achievement for most people. As for me, I just like a good conversation or two. This past few months, I got to know a lot of people. Whom actually inspired me with a few things. One of those things is to know what it actually means to go through hardship. At the same time I get to express myself. Some of them would advise me but some would just listen to the things I have to say. Within this period, I actually got to know a man that might help me in my life. STILL I'm not sure if he is Mr. Right.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

I should do this again.

Well, a year has passed and all I see are changes. My brother got married. Soon to-be an aunt. My Mom somehow decided to move abroad. That is a big leap for a change. My Mom felt that she needed a fresh start with my sister and I. Australia would be great she says. To me, it would be a little bit frightening. Like I kept reminding myself, change is a must but adapting to it will take time. It consumes the time as we need to actually get our mind together and actually accept it. What is "it"? It is the change, of course. A year could change someone. I see that I am making new friends as well as learning to be better in life. I want to be better in life. A successful career. Help my Mom here and there. Insya-Allah everything will be fine. But one thing that I don't really achieve yet is finding that future guy. I'm a tad young to think about finding the right guy. You know what I feel, as if crushes is just a phase. I don't really know why do I state that, all I know is I'm just trying to be better than yesterday.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Counting Days

It has been about 2 years since i've been typing into this blog. In my own opinion, my style of writing has become more mature. my older posts has shown how much i've grown myself into. Well, these days i have been observing to my life closely. Not that i have show it to everyone but just another like any other people, they have time to themselves and they think. What to do, what one has done, all of those things. It is just a matter of time when one has to realise about themselves that change in life is a MUST. I can't blame the people who aren't willing to change because they are mostly not that open-minded or has not been exposed to all the difficulties that has fallen upon them. As a normal human being, you can only say what is only in your power and pray for them so they can be better in life. Judgement is never the answer but wisdom is. Show to others what are your capabilities and from that, you might not just change yourself but also change the minds of others.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

In Search of Mr. Right


For what i've done all this time , it's nothing to compare what you have done . what you are about to know is something i have never told anyone , something beyond your mind could ever think of . it may sound like your average everyday life . this is beyond average .

it started when i was fourteen . i was young and unexperienced about the outside world . so my life is actually is just in school and at home . it was dull and solemn life . actually i started my form 2 life , i woke up late for school . "Ah crap ! its 8.00 o'clock " , i said to myself while i was packing up stuff for school . it was a hectic morning but i manage to clean up fast . though i felt like there was something wrong , "did i lose something or did i forget about... " when all of a sudden i just remembered , i didn't have anyone to drive me to school "BULLOCKS". i thought of how was i going to school , when it strucked . i had the best idea . i called my neighbour to drive me there . it was a selfish decision as they were still in PJs but it was a cry for help . they picked me up at my house . they drove but they kept looking at me as if i did something horrible . i sort of smiled with embarrassment . i didn't care much because i was thinking about i was late .

as i stepped into school i didn't think about the consequences , instead i look for my class . and the best part was i barely realised that there was a freaking prefect on my tail . so as soon i got into the office i looked up and down all around my uniform . with my scarf pulled up front , shoes spotless and packed up backpack . i feel like coming to school for the first time . i walked to a line where my class is supposed to be at . they wondered how i got late without the prefects catching me . "Adik , do you know that you are late ?" said the dude in a blue uniform . at first i ignored the guy then when i turned my head , it was the head prefect . how do i know ? easy . you can sniff a head prefect just by looking how they dress . wearing a songkok , shining black shoe , looks extra tidy . i smiled and pleaded to him . "Abang , it was an honest mistake, besides my parents weren't home and basically i had to come to school by myself ." with a little sympathy in his heart , he let me go for now .


thank god i dodged that bullet.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mummy is proving something :)

for my post this time , it's something different , check this out . it's starring my mum :) !

p.s ; ignore the annoying laughter

Thursday, October 7, 2010

kawan abang aku (amex)

abang amer is having his practical around bukit beruntung . i was like , damn ! but then he brought his friends . MIM , SINCHAN , and some other people . but the point of this blog is that how i find them as intresting as it seems :)

first is MIM,
mim looks like someone who is sort of on drugs or something , like kurt cobain , hahaha ! kidding . but what actually made him intresting that is he loves to do weird things that are not so weird when you do it with him . for instance , he taught me and soraya a trick to smoke through bubbles . awesome right ? hahaha ! so basically , we popped the bubble to see the smoke vanish in the air :) he might looks like someone who won't talk that much but he is pure evil . he could just make statement until that particular person would respond . and the best part about mim is that he doesn't mind if we "make him up" hahaha !

next sinchan,
this dude doesnt act how he looks . seriously . you can see the difference when he is on a game like street fighter or tekken , he will be so unsatisfied when he loses , and he will reanact a scene where he has his OWN dialogue for this character . example , lets say he was play RAW , and there is a scene where there are guys with tight pants walks in and shows off whatever the hell they're doing , but sinchan cracks a joke by saying something else when the character is posing or showing off . basically , mim and amer loves to bully him around (so as i though) hahaha ! we (mim , soraya and i) made a prank call to him ,(he didnt save my number) so we told soraya to pretend to be a girl damsel and destressed because of her bf (acting ok ?) and me as her sister , and mim soraya's scary brother . mim was saying 'NAK PECAH KEPALA ?' over and over , so sinchan was half dead talking on the phone . xD

next was maggo,
magoo didnt teach me much cause i only want to write bout him because he thought me about \m/ (its a metal sign) cool right ?

that's all i could think of hahahaha ! bye ~